In 2005 SatGate Holding has penetrated the VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) market by launching its own iDirect platform based on satellite data provision in TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) technology allowing dynamic data stream sharing among the clients.

For almost 7 years SatGate Group has been serving the growing iDirect clientele, allowing it to work in a multifunctional mode, providing broadband IP access for virtual private networks (VPN), VoIP, Internet, backbone links, videoconferencing and other applications.

Patented iDirect dynamic frequency slot sharing system is implemented among numerous clients’ terminals within the SatGate network, as well as the ability of the central hub to operate with several satellites simultaneously.

SatGate’s iDirect-based solutions are highly reliable, flexible, upgradable and capable of satisfying the sophisticated requirements of banking, military, governmental and emergency rescue organizations around the world.

End-user and corporate sector solutions can be easily found due to the wide spectrum of SatGate’s tariffs.


idirect2 idirect3
idirect4 idirect5

The running SatGate iDirect network is based on HellasSat-2 (39 East) satellite sytem.



iDirect VSAT service coverage map on HellasSat-2 (39 East)

Average client’s terminal is rather cheap; it consists of a 1.2 – 2.4 meter VSAT and a 3100 series modem. The network is serviced in Ku-band. Central hub is located in Vilnius (capital of Lithuania) on the premises of SatGate teleport.


iDirect technological platform is highly reliable, which makes it a great help for NATO troops while commencing the data transfer networks’ operations.
iDirect can be easily fitted to data and voice transmitting in VoIP mode and in real time conditions.

iDirect technology allows SatGate to use the available satellite segment effectively, meaning that the clients are being offered attractive and profitable conditions.

Separate iDirect networks are implemented on Yamal-202 (49 East)

Yamal-200- -iDirect

iDirect VSAT service coverage map on Yamal-202 (49 East)

SatGate allocates and manages higher rate CIR capacity links (starting 512Kbps per each terminal) in a point-to-point mode using “carrier-in-carrier" technology. This method makes it possible for the transmitting and receiving signals to be set on a single working frequency, thus allowing considerable satellite segment’s price cuts and providing twice as low space segment rental possibility compared to the commonly used SCPC (single channel per carrier) technology. Most often SatGate Satellite Communications Holding provides such services to oil and gas companies.

For additional technical support and pricing info please contact SatGate’s iDirect sales department.

SatGate specialists will be happy to answer any questions you might have!

Office address:
Saulėtekio al. 15 - 615, LT-10224, Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +370 52109003
Fax: +370 52101249
iDirect On-line Technical Support
ICQ#: 235358555

List of compatible routers:

iNFINITI® 3000, satellite router

iNFINITI® 5000, satellite router

iNFINITI® 7000, satellite router

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