Newtec is one of the leading equipment suppliers in telecom market, specialized on high professional satellite equipment segment. Newtec offers IP-broadband terminals , professional satellite communication equipment ; modems, receivers, modulators, demodulators for IP traffic transmission and optimization over satellite, and professional equipment, specifically designed for the primary satellite distribution of video and radio content for mobile and terrestrial TV.SatGate is NEWTEC silver partner.

Comtech EF Data — is U.S leading satellite equipment manufacturer, offering two industry-leading brands – Comtech EF Data and Radyn. Comtech EF Data uses the modest technologies, such as LDPC and Turbo Codec coding, 8PSK, 8QAM and 16QAM modularization, transmission and reception in the same frequency band Carrier-In-Carrier, FAST- adding the menu items by clients. Such technologies allows operator to optimize their equipment costs and the lease of satellite capacity.

CPI is a leading manufacturer and supplier of power amplifiers, amplifiers of sub-systems and super-high-frequency devices for satellite data terminals. CPI offers solutions for any frequency and any necessary power, both stationary satellite stations, and mobile systems in military and commercial fields.

Terrasat Communications designs and manufactures innovative RF solutions for Satellite Communications systems. Terrasat offers an alternative to the expense and complexity of 70 MHz transceivers – the IBUC – Intelligent Block Upconverter. The IBUC is a complete line of high performance C, X & Ku-band BUCs. Terrasat Communications has the best combination of price - quality that allows their clients to stay ahead of their competitors.

iDirectcompany is a major player in the VSAT satellite-based market. iDirect developed and implemented own technology platform for data, video and voice transmission in all conditions via satellite terminals. iDirect systems is currently widespread in the world among corporate clients, government and military organizations. iDirect technology is one of the most efficient systems in the VSAT satellite market. iDirect provides efficient bandwidth, using both in satellite and IP level sectors, which suggests the low cost of operation for service provider or telecom operator.

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